the survival instinct oil, wax, charcoal on canvas, 30x30 in —$1425 PWD Gallery (Collective Expressions Show)
circus oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in — $360 PWD Gallery (Collective Expressions Show)
dazzle oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in, —$360 PWD Gallery (Collective Expressions Show)
superhero oil, wax, mixed media on panel, 12x12 in — $360 PWD Gallery (Collective Expressions Show)
wear something different oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in —$360 PWD Gallery, (Collective Expressions Show)
edge meets soft oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in, — $360 Studio Inventory
connect oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in — $360 Studio Inventory
circling back to my roots - SOLD oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in —$360 on view @ In2Art Holiday Show (Oakville)
a different perspective oil, wax, mixed media on panel, 12x12 in — $360 on view @ In2Art Holiday Show (Oakville)
her name was Velvet oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 48x36 in —$2500 Canvas Gallery
zoom oil, wax, oil stick on canvas, 48x36 in — $2500 Studio Inventory
keep going oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 20x40 in —$1425 Studio Inventory
pushing through to the other side - SOLD oil, wax, charcoal on canvas, 36x48 in, —$2500 PWD Gallery
companion - SOLD oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 20x20 —$800 Studio Inventory
peach season - SOLD oil, wax, charcoal, 30x30 in —$1425 PWD Gallery
swollowing cartoons - SOLD oil, wax, charcoal, 30x30 in — $1800 PWD Gallery
when it feels right oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 48x48 in— $3450 Crescent Hill Gallery
stay close - SOLD oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12 x12 in —$360 Canvas Gallery
they say, 'the best is yet to come' oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in —$360 Canvas Gallery
a friendly reminder 5 - SOLD oil, wax, graphite on panel, 12x12 in —$360, Canvas Gallery
a friendly reminder 3 oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in —$360 Canvas Gallery
a friendly reminder 1 oil, was, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in —$360 Canvas Gallery
she shadows me oil, wax, charcoal, graphite on panel, 12x12 in —$360 Crescent Hill Gallery
find your power oil, wax, charcoal, graphite on panel, 12x12 in —$360 Cresent Hill Gallery
these colours have powers 1 oil, wax, charcoal on panel, 12x12 in —$360 Canvas Gallery
body and soul oil, charcoal wax on panel, 12x6 in each— $600 Studio Inventory